Saturday, 6 June 2009

Camping, Curlywurlies and Cockleg...

Occasionally, Mrs Dickfingers will have temporary lapses in judgement. These can include agreeing to go out with me in the first place followed up by allowing me to move in and import a variety of tasteless dead animals and skateboards to incorporate into the decor of BDF Headquarters... 

Her latest lapse was agreeing to go camping for part of our summer holiday which meant that I got to go garden camping in preparation:
This stoked me right out up until the point when we got back from the pub at midnight to realise that we actually had to go to sleep in what was essentially two carrier bags nailed to the floor with coathangers and string...  Hopefully Cornwall in August will be considerably warmer than Hertford in May...

Having recovered, I went skating and insisted that the four people that actually know about this blog (hello by the way) would be extraordinarily stoked to know that according to recently discovered evidence, I apparently am too fast and gnarly to be captured by conventional cameras. This is clearly the reason the following picture looks all shit and bandy and isnt anything to do with the fact that I struggle to coordinate myself when walking, let alone rolling around on a board...

 In other news, Mofugga, from the sidewalk forum and fellow lurker revealed that his leg has the dimensions and vein ratio of a pornstar's winky...

I also ate a Curly Wurly and have included this purely because it gives the post a nice title...

Should be going to Derby tomorrow to see the Fourstar skate team skate Stoke Plaze, so there could well be interesting photos from that but in all likelihood it'll probably be another cream tea bonanza... 

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